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2016 Nutrition Facts Label Transition Review Checklist

Use our free checklist to stay compliant: Nutrition Facts Label Transition
Make a smooth label transition with our free checklist The compliance date for transitioning to the 2016 FDA Nutrition Facts Label rules is Jan. 1, 2020 (Jan. 1, 2021 for manufacturers with less than $10 million in annual food sales.) Use this checklist to follow the necessary steps for compliance with the new regulations. Download …
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2016 Supplement Facts Label Transition Review Checklist

Download our free checklist to help you stay FDA-compliant The compliance date for transitioning to the 2016 FDA Supplement Facts Label rules is Jan. 1, 2020 (Jan. 1, 2021 for manufacturers with less than $10 million in annual food sales.) Use this checklist to help you follow the necessary steps for compliance with the new …
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2023 FDA Regulations Review Checklist

Free download: regulations review for 2023 FDA
Start the new year on the right foot: Compliantly! 2023 brings with it the sesame allergen deadline and a host of new legislation to prepare for in the coming years. Use our checklist to review some of the major regulations that may impact your business. Download the Checklist
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Allergen Labeling by Country

International allergen statements cheat sheet.
Learn allergen requirements for the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and the E.U. Food allergen labeling is required on most product packaging for foods sold in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and the EU. However, the requirements for which allergens must be declared (and how they should be declared) vary by country. Use our cheat sheet for a …
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Canada Nutrient Changes Cheat Sheet

Learn the new Daily Value amounts from Health Canada with our cheat sheet.
Learn the new Daily Value amounts from Health Canada The updated Health Canada regulations for Nutrition Facts tables include changed Daily Value (DV) amounts for many nutrients. This cheat sheet compares the previously listed DVs to the new DVs and shows other noteworthy label nutrient changes. Download the Cheat Sheet
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Cannabis Edibles Labeling Checklist

Download our free checklist to track labeling elements required for edibles sold in Oregon.
Track compliance elements for Oregon’s edible labels Use this Cheat Sheet checklist to keep track of the elements required in Oregon for OLCC-compliant cannabis edible labeled products. Our list covers mandatory statements, warnings, serving sizes, nutrient contents, and more. Download the Checklist
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Determining Your Product’s Serving Size Cheat Sheet

Determine servings sizes with our free cheat sheet.
Formulate serving sizes accurately with our cheat sheet The FDA requires that the serving size on your Nutrition Facts label be shown as a common household measure suitable for the food (such as cup, piece, jar, etc.) and based on the amount of that food people typically consume. The FDA has defined and cataloged these …
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Dietary Fiber Labeling Cheat Sheet

nutrition facts label dietary fiber
Dietary Fiber, or non-digestible carbohydrate, is a mandatory label and it is considered part of the carbohydrate total. This cheat sheet discusses the definitions and label display.
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FDA Nutrient Comparisons & DV Changes

Download our free cheat sheet: FDA nutrient unit changes
Compare 2016 nutrient values against the old 1990 standards With the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) release of updated rules for Nutrition & Supplement Facts labels, other nutrient measurement units have been revised, too. Download our cheat sheet to see a full list of what’s changed. Download the Cheat Sheet
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FDA RACC Changes Cheat Sheet

updated RACC nutrition facts labels
The Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed for food product are standardized serving sizes for use on labels and for nutrient claims. This cheat sheet lists various RACC examples.
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FDA Serving Size Rounding Rules Cheat Sheet

Download our free cheat sheet with rounding rules for servings sizes based on the latest FDA updates.
Learn the rounding rules for serving sizes based on updated RACCs from the FDA The FDA’s updated Nutrition Facts labeling regulations included changes to the rounding rules for serving sizes. This cheat sheet will help you figure out when and how to round your serving sizes based on the number of servings per Reference Amounts …
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French Translations for Common Household Measurements

French Translations of Common Household Measurements
Translate common household measurements into French | Traduisez les mesures courantes des m茅nages en Anglais Use this cheat sheet to find the French translations for common household measurements required on French or bilingual Canadian Nutrition Facts tables. Download the Cheat Sheet
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List of Mandatory & Voluntary Nutrient Units for International Labeling

Quickly reference different international labeling regulations with our cheat sheet.
Easily reference labeling regulations from around the world Labeling regulations vary by country, and different governing bodies determine the display of nutrients and their units of measure. Knowing those differences is crucial for compliance. Our free cheat sheet lists all nutrients available for display on U.S., Canada, Mexico, and EU labels, shows mandatory nutrients in …
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MyPlate: Recommended Servings by Food Group

Download our free cheat sheet: MyPlate Serving Sizes and Portion Equivalents
Familiarize yourself with the USDA’s MyPlate The MyPlate nutrition guide from the USDA offers a variety of tips designed to encourage healthy eating habits, including daily intake recommendations for each of the five major food groups (Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein, and Dairy). This cheat sheet lists the recommended intake targets for each food group by …
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Nutrient Standards and Measurement Conversions

Learn the references used on supplier spec sheets This cheat sheet lets you see at a glance three behind-the-scenes references useful for understanding supplier spec sheets and nutrient source information. Daily Values Abbreviations for commonly reported nutrients Conversions of commonly used volume measures Download the Cheat Sheet
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Nutrient Unit Conversion Calculations Cheat Sheet

Converting nutrient units nutrition facts label
This cheat sheet covers the calculations used for converting nutrient amounts and measures from the 1990 to the 2016 requirements and standards.
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Nutrition Facts Label Compliance Checklist

Download our free label compliance checklist
Establish best practices for each step of the product development process The data that appears on the Nutrition Facts Label of your products is only as good as the information that is inputted during formulation analysis. Our checklist offers key reminders that you can use to develop your own system of checks and balances when …
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PDCAAS Calculations Cheat Sheet

Calculate PDCAAS for protein rich foods with our cheat sheet.
Learn the steps to calculate protein scores and quality Protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) is a method of evaluating the quality of a protein based on both the amino acid requirements of humans and their ability to digest it. In order to list % DV for protein on a Nutrition Facts label, you will …
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Rounding Rules for U.S. Label Nutrients

Rounding rules for vitamins and mineral qualitative ingredients.
Accurately round vitamin and mineral nutrients on your labels This cheat sheet lists the recommended rounding rules for the display of quantitative values of vitamins and minerals on your Nutrition and/or Supplement Facts labels.听The chart on our cheat sheet is taken from the FDA鈥檚 guidance, released in December 2019. We offer another听cheat sheet on serving …
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Spanish Translations for Common Household Measurements

Spanish Translations of Common Household Measurements
Translate common household measurements in Spanish | Traducir medidas dom茅sticas comunes en Ingles Use this cheat sheet to find English and Spanish terms to express common听household measures on your Mexico or U.S. bilingual Nutrition Facts labels. Download the Cheat Sheet
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Synonyms for and Sources of Sesame

Learn sesame synonyms with our free cheat sheet.
Learn all the terms to accurately declare sesame allergens The U.S., Canada, and the E.U. all require the declaration of sesame as an allergen on food labels. This cheat sheet collects the names, synonyms, and potential hidden sources of sesame that may appear on your supplier spec sheet. Refer to this resource to help you …
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Vitamin Synonyms & Possible Ingredient Names

Vitamin synonyms and possible ingredient names cheat sheet
Declare vitamins correctly with the help of our cheat sheet Use this cheat sheet to make sure you are correctly populating your ingredient nutrient data on your Nutrition and Supplement Facts labels. Our sheet lists vitamin names, common synonyms, and their units of measure according to what is required on the FDA 2016 label. Alternate …
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